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Extra Shine Argan Oil 3.2oz

Extra Shine Argan Oil 3.2oz

Regular price $18.99
Regular price $18.99 Sale price $18.99
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Its Benefits: It is based on Argan oil and Vitamin E, thanks to its virtues it benefits the hair by providing nutrition, shine and silkiness to the hair, especially dry and brittle hair, it helps the hair to obtain Ferulic acid, fatty acids and antioxidants, in addition Protects hair strands from UV rays.

Sus Beneficios: Es a base de aceite de Argan y Vitamina E , gracias a sus virtudes beneficia al cabello aportándole nutrición, brillo y sedosidad al cabello especialmente al cabello seco y quebradizo, ayuda al cabello a obtener ácido Ferulico , ácidos grasos y antioxidantes, además protege las hebras del cabello de los rayos UV .

Modo de Aplicación:
 Aplica de medios a puntas del cabello , para peinarte ,definir rizos en conjunto con el producto favorito de rizar o para después del secado ,solo aplica lo necesario para tu cabello .
Application mode: Apply from the middle to the ends of the hair, to comb your hair, define curls in conjunction with your favorite curling product or after drying, only apply what is necessary for your hair.
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